Let me introduce myself. My name is

The Controlling Your Spending Module

The Spending Journal Original Work Activity

Welcome to the hottest site around! It has some information about website development, and more subjects and ideas are explored on other sections of this People Thoughts website. Look for items on music, photography, human relations, and children's stories. As the name says, this is a site for thoughts about people and by people. Thinking is what makes us people! This site is for communication with all people, because sharing our thoughts is always good and can help our selves, our communities, and even our world.

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Subject Menu

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This website originates in the United States, as you can see by the flag. But do not think that my nationality shapes all my thoughts. Rather, it is my humanity that determines my point of view. That perspective makes it so much easier to communicate with anyone, anywhere.

links on fire
Click the Whirling World for LINKS!

A Good General List

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To While Away the Time

What day is it? What time is it? What month is it? OK, I realize you know all these things (usually), but if you ever need a refresher, or perhaps a blank monthly planner page, see Ken's Kwik-Look Kalendar!

You already know what season it is, and it's a favorite of mine, so lets celebrate
the arrival of FALL!

If you need to take a break, you can spend some time at a game page I have set up for you.

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Handy Webmaster Aids

Here are a couple of very handy helps for those who create web pages (or would like to).

Color Charts with Codes

(note: this is a big, eight chart page)

Color Sampler with Names

(try a color name or code and see what you get)

Web Page Window Customizer

(choose the size and simplicity of the window you open)

Please come back soon, since I will be making additions and improvements!

So, until next time, my friend---G'BYE!!!
waving hand